Businesses Creating Digital NFT Collectibles As Receipts
One of the most exciting aspects of the possibility for NFTs, especially when it comes to the ways that businesses can utilize them comes in the form of receipts. Breaking down exactly what NFTs are, and what they do as far as proving that something happened or was paid for, in layman’s terms, NFTs are basically receipts. We absolutely love this idea! Follow along with us as we show a few different ways that NFTs can be received and collected as glorified receipts.
Let’s look at McDonalds. (Keep in mind you could enter any fast food establishment here.) Jane’s place of employment is close to a McDonalds. Every morning she drives through the Golden Arches to grab a cup of joe. As of right now, she receives a receipt for her cup. Standard way of doing business nowadays, she’s on her way. In the future, why couldn’t her receipt be an NFT? She pays by tapping her smart device that’s connect to her credit card and it’s that quick. In return, a QR code like system (think Venmo) connected to a crypto wallet is scanned and an NFT is received as a receipt.

Seriously, we’re talking receipts here. BORING! Why would anyone care if I have a receipt for my coffee? “I don’t get it.” You’re probably thinking. Let us expound.
Now that you have a receipt for your cup of coffee on your phone, in your digital wallet, after a week or so, getting a cup of morning coffee has you a pretty good collection of receipts (luckily not on the dash of your car or still in your cup holder). See where our collector minds are going with this? Receipts, in the current state are boring sheets of skinny white papers that often get tossed along with the cup once you’re finished. Why couldn’t McDonalds create the receipt for a cup of coffee to be an NFT? Not in a traditional sense when we hear or think receipt though. What if the receipt was a picture? Or a puzzle piece of a picture? Or what if customers could choose which NFT (collectors piece) they wanted as a receipt?
“Okay, let’s reel it back in here Dex. Come back to planet earth with us. You’re getting a bit too excited about receipts.” You’re probably thinking.
There’s more to it than that though. Let’s break it down. Looking past coffee, keeping in mind, this could be any restaurant, or any certain product at a restaurant. What if there were certain receipts (now NFTs) that you were able to receive for purchasing let’s say a Big Mac? Or spending more than $5, or $10 or $20. Maybe $100 over the course of a week. BOOM! New NFT! Another collection started.

Displaying Available NFTs After Purchase
As products are purchased, after payment, different available NFTs could be displayed. Customers may then choose which NFTs they are interested in. As the NFTs are shown, one, a few, or maybe even all could be selected from the presented list. Some visitors may not even be interested in any, others may have too many and want to keep their wallet less cluttered and are only collecting certain ones. Others would potentially want all of the NFTs that they can get. A simple tap with a compatible digital wallet and the transaction is complete. The NFTs then show up in the digital wallet of the customer and they’re on their way.
Depending on the company, obviously, different things could be given or rewarded/exchanged for certain things. As of right now, thoughts are probably only thinking of receipts maybe being pictures in a digital wallet. Let’s say McDonalds comes up with its own wallet (maybe even through their app) and you are able to see all of your McDonalds receipts (NFTs) of all the burgers purchased connected to a certain wallet. Or even the number of times you’ve visited certain McDonald’s restaurants. It could even be a possibility to know how many times you’ve used a certain coupon code for a free large French Fry and so on. The possibilities are literally endless.
Collectors are everywhere. They are also, always looking for something new to collect. A collection of collections? To a collector, yes please! These forward thinking ideas could be the new thing for collectors on their journey to collect. Interested in learning more about NFTs? Find our other articles here, subscribe to our newsletter and be sure to follow us on our socials.