
Dexter McGranderson

Idea Specialist

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Branding Opportunities with NFTs

Brand Specific Collectible NFTs from Multiple Locations

If we think about companies that sell their products in more than one location, dual branding possibilities are a pretty cool and interesting way to bring more awareness to their product as well as appealing to the collectors. Let’s think about Coca-Cola. One of the biggest companies in the world. They sell their products everywhere. Whether it be a can (or a box of cans) at the supermarket, a bottle from the gas station, or a fountain drink from a restaurant, Coca-Cola is everywhere.

As a customer is checking out or paying for their drink, wherever they may be, a specific Coca-Cola NFT is available to them in return for purchasing one of their products. Each NFT could have a picture of either a can, bottle, or fountain drink with a co-brand possibility with the store or restaurant it was purchased. For example; a 7-Eleven Logo is included in the Coca-Cola Can NFT that was purchased at 7-Eleven. A McDonalds Logo included in the Coca-Cola Fountain Drink NFT received from McDonalds. Or maybe even a certain sporting team for an Coca-Cola Bottle NFT received for purchasing a bottle at a sporting event. (Check out more on NFTs at sporting events here.) One other thing to think about here is that this is just one example, from one company. In this mindset, we can see how many different possibilities there truly are.

A New Opportunity for Collectors

Remember when Sprite had the “Under the Cap” sweepstakes when you could win different prizes or discounts by turning in the cap from the top of a Sprite bottle? Many-a-days were spent with a particular cousin of ours one summer at gas stations peering down through the clear soda to hopefully see something different than “try again”. When a collector sees the possibilities of collecting Coca-Cola NFTs received from different places that sell Coca-Cola, interest gets piqued and the feel for the need of as many as possible is real. This also falls under the category as before mentioned having to do with secondary markets in the NFT world. Collections of these Coca-Cola NFTs could hold value to Coca-Cola fanatics and collectors alike.

From a business perspective, a company with a keen branding eye or expertise, could see a huge possibility to be able to take advantage of all selling avenues. It could potentially be a place to be able to analyze when it comes to markets or areas that are having troubles or even thriving, and knowing where to put more marketing/advertising dollars to help to sell more product.

NFT Collections as Redeemable or Exchangeable Assets

As we think even further when it comes to these types of dual branding opportunities, these collections could hold more value than just what the secondary market dictates. For this example, let’s stick with Coca-Cola. When thinking of a giveaway/sweepstakes mindset (which many drink companies run), these collections could potentially be traded or exchanged, within Coca-Cola for certain items. These items could still be digital, they could also be physical, in some instances, they could potentially be both.

Let’s say, that Coca-Cola has an exchange that states, a collection of Coca-Cola NFTs from 10 different places are eligible for an exchange of an exclusive hat or sweatshirt or some other kind of desirable merchandise. For a collector, this would be a very cool possibility to be able to receive something more than just the collection of NFTs. Different merchandise could also hold value on a secondary market as well. More on values of NFTs on the secondary market here.

If we think about taking these redeemables even further, let’s say that Coca-Cola has another exchange that is for an even bigger collection (maybe 25 NFTs from different places or something in that nature.) This exchange could potentially be for a VIP experience at a certain event, a meet and greet with a professional athlete or celebrity incorporated with Coca-Cola, or even a hang out session or exclusive party invite. We love the possibilities here as it gives ordinary people extraordinary opportunities simply by doing ordinary things like collecting.


All of these ideas and propositions could help define a new landscape in the digital world when it comes to the possibility of businesses taking advantage of digital NFTs. As we have displayed here, these ideas could also help Coca-Cola sell more products but in an untraditional way. Or could this be the new traditional way? As the future fords forth, we shall see. Interested in learning more about NFTs? Find our other articles here, subscribe to our newsletter and be sure to follow us on our socials.

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