Collectible NFTs from Tire Shops
As we think about more dual branding opportunities, a few others come to mind. If a customer buys a set of tires from a certain tire shop, not only could a receipt for them could be a collectors art piece with a logo of the brand of tires purchased, but also the logo of the tire shop that sold it. Not only would this be proof of purchase for warranty purposes but also could be a very cool branding opportunity for the tire shop.
If a certain shop does more than one service, incentives to have more services performed at their establishment if collections of NFTs were rewarded. For example: if tires were purchased by a certain customer and the same customer also needs new brakes, or alignment, or balancing work and different NFTs were given for each service, incentives to have all of the work done all at one place, if collections of NFTs were able to receive something more.
For example: Jimmy needs new tires. He heads into the shop where he has always bought new tires from. He now notices that they are giving collectible dual branded NFTs from Michelin and this local tire shop. Not only does he spend a little bit of extra money to have the better Michelin tires, but he also receives a potentially valuable NFT as well. As jimmy needs those tires rotated a few months later, another NFT is received that is dual branded with the tire shop and Michelin. Different sweepstakes or contests could be created by either the tire shop or even Michelin for different exchanges for a collection of a certain number of let’s just say Michelin NFTs.
Incentivizing NFT Collecting for Perks at Events
Let’s also take this a step further. If the local tire shop is offering an incentive to exchange a collection of NFTs of different services provided by them for something of value. This tire shop could be sponsoring a drag racing event, a monster truck rally, or even a local car show, that these collections of NFTs would be able to be exchanged for an exclusive spot or VIP treatment or special spots or seats to the event. This would also help to sell more service for the tire shop but also bring awareness to their store to advertise cool NFTs they are giving away for their services.
Dual Branding Possibilities at Tire Shops
Also along these lines, let’s say that an oil change is needed for a customer. The repair place that he is visiting uses a few different brands of oil. Royal Purple is a well known brand but might be little bit more expensive than a different brand. Royal Purple has arranged with this shop, (or maybe even all of the shops they sell into), that an NFT is given to the customer when Royal Purple is used to perform their oil change. Not only does this create brand loyalty, both from the repair place to Royal Purple, also the customer and maybe even the repair place employees to Royal Purple, but also gives a pretty cool, most likely dual branded NFT for the service.
While potentially maybe a little bit far fetched, these ideas are not only a different way to think, but also definitely a cool way to brand and Co-Brand. Different Co-Branding possibilities are essentially endless with other companies, brands or businesses adopting this model. These are just a few and most likely the beginning when these ideas finally come to fruition.
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